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Yoga Therapy &

Private Sessions

Healing With Meera


Meera is a certified Yoga Therapist and offers private and semi-private Yoga Therapy sessions. 


Yoga Therapy is an individualized, self-empowering process designed by the Yoga Therapist for the student, and with the student. 


Yoga Therapy is designed to meet you where you are at and take you deep into the heart of the practice to discover your fullest potential and embody your true nature.

Yoga Therapy applies a multitude of yogic principles, methods, and techniques designed to address specific energetic, emotional and physical imbalances and disturbances within. In its ideal application, Yoga Therapy is preventive in nature, as is Yoga itself, but it is also restorative and self-assuring to many individuals. 


One of the many great assets of Yoga Therapy is that the practice is adapted to the needs of each individual. The Yoga Therapist can help you with specific or persistent health problems or with limitations not usually addressed in a group class.


Stemming from the tradition of Patanjali in combination with the Science of Ayurveda (the science of life), the Yoga Therapist works closely with the student to create an intelligent practice with daily rituals to support your unique constitution and pattern of energy.


You will receive a personalized and ever-evolving Yoga practice, that not only addresses imbalances in a multi-dimensional manner, but also aims to alleviate suffering in a progressive, non-invasive and complementary way. The therapist will lay the groundwork for the enlivening of energy that creates an inner environment supporting balance within the whole; the body, the mind and the spirit.    


Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in one’s life, right thinking, diet, lifestyle and the use of herbs. The therapist will educate and enable you to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to one’s own individual constitution, teaching you how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance.

Personalized Mantras

Meera also offers customized Mantras, based on an intention for your evolution

Shades of White Stone

From the first time that I met Meera I knew she was a special person. Her dedication to learning & love of yoga were evident from our first class. As a student I found her most endearing quality, among the many, is her ability to relate to & include each of us in her yoga journey.  I have known Meera for about two years & continue to learn & be challenged by yoga lessons that she shares from her vast repertoire of knowledge.  Most notable is her generosity of time & spirit that gives to each class.  On a more personal level, she has continued to encourage me to practice yoga & work through health issues.

- Gail (Edmonton)

Yoga Therapy, Private Sessions & Personal Mantras

1 hour session- $80

2 hour session - $130

*A 2-hour session is recommended for the first Yoga Therapy meeting*

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