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Meera teaches workshops across Canada, in many Edmonton yoga studios and online

Yoga Christmas Journey For All

Class by Donation, please bring a Food Bank Item.


If you are an avid practitioner or you are totally new to yoga, you are invited to join Meera for this heartfelt Christmas yoga class in our beautiful studio space at Wellness Within.

This class will be abundant with gentle movements, healing breath work and calming meditation techniques, surrounded by Christmas music and candles.


December 9th 7:00 - 8:30pm

Register Here

Sakalya Mudra Workshops


The lineage of Yoga Mudras Vigyan touched Meera’s life and altered her practice so profoundly she knew the next step was to start sharing her love and experience through her teachings. Originally learning Mudras in India, Meera has taken her passion for teaching yoga and her fascination for the ancient healing practice to all those wanting to learn. 


The first experience with Mudras left Meera totally captivated and entranced with their power. She was travelling in the Himalayas and was prone to headaches at the higher elevation. She finally confessed to her teacher that she had been suffering with a headache for several days. Her teacher told her to put her fingers in a specific position and hold it and in 20 mins would start feeling some difference. She initially shrugged it off, thinking it would never help, but all the same held her fingers in the position with nothing to lose. Within minutes she could feel the relentless pain in her head lessen to the point where eventually it was gone.


The Sakalya Mudra workshops are a three part study. You can take one or all three, but there are no requirements to take another segment if you feel complete with solely one. 


The three part study is based on the ancient practice of Yoga Vigyan, a separate branch of Yoga which uses finger postures. 


Mudras (meaning “seals” or “gestures”) date back to Vedic Times and were first mentioned in the Vedas, one of Yoga’s sacred texts. They were used to convey deeper truths, instil relaxation, enhance deep meditation, and to heal on many levels. Mudras were also used as a symbol of wisdom and compassion which we can see with many representations of Buddha and Hindu Deities. 


Mudras were used as a way to attract cosmic energy and activate higher states of consciousness. This separate branch of yoga was also used as one of the many healing modalities of ancient yogis. They understood that our hands were a source of tremendous power, and considered the hands sacred.


Hands are so much more than just functional. Our hands are the command centre and energy map of our health and consciousness. Every point on the hand corresponds to a certain area of the body and particular meridian, that is responsible for our general wellness, along with our emotional and spiritual health. 


With the practice of Mudras, we use our fingers and hands to effectively talk to the body. When making meaningful connections by curling, crossing, stretching, and touching the fingers and palms, we can effectively talk to the body and mind. The position the hand takes is called a Mudra, and is a technique for giving clear messages to the mind-body energy system.

All Sakalya workshops are designed to enhance and inspire your yoga practice from the inside out. These workshops are meant to provide you with ancient and modern yoga techniques that can be awakening and fun. 


This is a rare offering and immeasurable tool for any conscious Yogi looking to enhance or deepen their personal practice. Mudras can instigate spiritual deepening, self-regulation and be a tool to balance one’s own essence and energy.

All 3 sections of the Mudra series offerings have been lovingly designed to enhance and inspire your yoga practice extensively. These workshops are meant to provide you with ancient and modern yoga techniques that can be awakening, unifying and above all, bring you a surplus of joy and deep heartfelt wisdom.

Part One - Sakalya Practical Mudras for Self Healing

The first workshop of three focuses on Mudras the individual can use for physical regulation. We study the elements, the planets, the meridians and how they correspond to the hands and how they are manipulated using Mudras. We then go into an all encompassing practice that incorporates Mudras, Mantra, Kriya, Asana for a powerful self restoring Sakalya Yoga experience that teaches you how to incorporate Mudras into your every day practice on all levels. 

Part Two - Sakalya Mudras for Spiritual Unfolding


In the first Workshop we learned about practical Mudras for self-healing, along with the basic knowledge of our constitutional elements and how they are balanced when using these finger postures. 


This second Workshop, starts with a quick review of the part one “Mudras for Self Healing.” After a brief review, we move on to the more spiritual side of Mudras and learn how to use them to deepen our yogic practice, enhance, re-direct, and invigorate our Pranic system and center our minds. These Mudras or finger postures can be used to enhance and deepen our pranayama practice, and heighten and expand our meditation practice. 


In addition to Mudras, we will learn about our subtle energy channels known as the Nadis. It is through these Nadis, that life force (Prana) circulates. We will focus on three principal Nadis, and learn how to use the technique of Kundalini Yoga to support and awaken these vital energies. 


We will discuss the link between the Pranic system and cosmic energy. Deepen our understanding of how to make important connections, and to stimulate specific energy pathways or the Nadis. Also, using this energy along with Mudras to provide a conscious shift in your personal practice. 


We will use Kriyas and Kundalini Yoga to awaken our Prana (life force) and create movement through the Ida and Pingala down the base of the spine initiating energy shifts, stimulation and balance. We learn to move beyond the breath into our spiritual or ethereal bodies. 


We will introduce Mudras to use with your pranayama and Meditation practice that could have a profound effect for a heightened experience. 


There will be an introduction to 12 new Mudras, and explanation of their uses and significance. We will then embark on an all-encompassing yoga journey to center, deepen and to awaken stored and stagnant energy, initiating a conscious connection to our spiritual centers using Mantra, Movement, Kriya, Asana and Mudras. 


You do not need to take the first workshop to take the second. I invite you to join us on this exclusive journey through the senses using the ancient technique of Mudras and Yoga of energy. Coming together in life and love for the practice.

Part Three - Mudras of Perpetual Wisdom

With this third instalment, in addition to learning new and more advanced finger postures (along with explanations of their significance and uses), we will introduce and practice the set of 24 + 8 mudras that make up the Gayatri Mudra Flow Sequence along with the Gayatri Mantra.

The Gayatri Mantra chanted, combined with the Mudra flow sequences is so fluid, so elegant that it can be practiced as a Sadhana to experience and create profound shifts.


Join us on this exclusive journey to deepen your practice, moving beyond the body, beyond the breath into the realms of ancient, relic, perpetual wisdom...

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