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Teacher Trainings

Upcoming Trainings


200-Hour Teacher Trainings
At Wellness Within, St. Albert


Enliven your spirit. Teacher training for self mastery. Join Meera, along with Lori for this upcoming transformational Yoga Teacher Training. Step into a teacher training so expansive, it will take you on an full exploration of self, while providing you with a broad array of tools for authentic teaching, self empowerment and becoming the engineers of your own life.


Our Yoga Teacher training is unlike any other training. A Vinyasa based program that will take you well beyond the foundations of Yoga, and deep into the true nature of self. Although a Vinyasa based teacher training, you will leave as a strong practitioner in more ways than poses. Its an experiential process through deep inward journeys of self discovery that we liberate ourselves from all boundaries and illusions of the mind. Our training is about stepping into your radiance, opening your heart, and still being fierce in your nature.


You will be transported through the timeless teachings of Kriya Yoga, Meditation, Mantra and Naad (Mantra from the great yogic scriptures, and the very rare offering of Mudras Yoga Vigyan (Finger postures). When you are done this training you will have a toolbox brimming with all elements of the practice. Truly a teacher training so unique and absolutely diverse, it allows one to experience and embody the nature of yoga through the powerful technology of yoga techniques past down from the great masters of the Yoga-Vedantic Tradition.


This training is not just a teacher training, but a deep journey of self mastery, evolution, compassion and experience of both stillness and movement.

Beginning January 2023

300-Hour Training Coming September 2023

Virtual Sakalya Yoga Training

You are invited on a life altering journey to embody the path of Self-Mastery, the timeless abundance of Yoga.

This is a calling to evolve.

This 200 hour online Sakalya Yoga Teacher Training is entirely expansive, covering a vast array of yogic techniques, philosophies and styles.

Sakalya is a Sanskrit word meaning holistic, and Sakalya Yoga is an assimilation of compelling ancient Yoga techniques brought to us from the time of the Vedas, combined with dynamic modern practices, mindfully amalgamated to empower the practitioner and provide the ultimate means to Self-Awakening and Self-Empowerment, holistically.

Sakalya Yoga Teacher Training 200 is quite unique. 

It is an intensive program that creates the necessary environment and atmosphere for those sincerely walking the path of Self-Realization to experience and explore deeper dimensions of Yoga. 

It supports those choosing to walk their dharmic path as vehicles of service to embody and share this wisdom with others on, inspiring them to receive the powerful transformative tools for their own transformation and evolution.


Yoga Sutra 1.1 says "Yoga begins NOW".

And there is no better time to begin a Yoga Teacher Training than when one feels it's calling; the calling to evolve, the calling to wisdom.

This is a unique journey, so extensive in its offerings and curriculum that it surpasses the basic requirements of a Yoga Alliance certified 200 hour program, preparing dynamic influential teachers to powerfully lead through presence, actions, words and through this timeless wisdom.

This is a broad, experiential exploration of the ancient technologies and sciences such as those of Kriya Yoga, Himalayan Kundalini, Pranayama, Vedic Mantra, Mudra practices and applications. 

We dive in depth into the teachings of Asana, Anatomy, Alignment and Vinyasa Krama.  These aspects of the practice are taught in a way to empower learners to skillfully, effectively and safely guide the physical aspects of a Yoga practice all while maintaining a focus on the energetic as well as the transcendent benefits of the Yogasana.

This is Yoga beyond the physical postures and practices.  This training is an opportunity to deepen our practice, to raise our consciousness, our awareness and to live truthfully whether our goal is to teach or simply to lead from a grounded foundation of love, compassion and wisdom.


Picture taken at Above Average Yoga

Restorative Yoga Trainings

This training is informative as well as experiential. In this full weekend offering you will be introduced to the practices that are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar. 


Through a deep hands on approach you will be introduced to an array of restorative yoga poses, and also experience full Restorative Yoga practices to deeply experience and connect with the intention of this specific style of yoga. 


You will leave with a deep understanding of Restorative Yoga and it’s poses, and practice these hands on techniques through an exclusive deep curative approach and experience for the student and the practitioner. You will learn how to design restorative yoga classes and support students, while also empowering them. 


Restorative poses give you the opportunity to guide students towards deep relaxation and self mending, while letting go of tension in a supported and safe environment. 


With kindness and compassion, restorative yoga supports you to find a deep state of relaxation in just a few poses.  With the use of several props, you will be allowed to experience the benefits of the poses. It can be rejuvenating and relaxing. Arrive to diminish the effects of stress, to restore health and balance, and simply be. 


Creating a meditative space for passive and deep stretching, relaxation and stress reduction, mental balance and spiritual realization.

Watch For Upcoming Restorative Trainings & Workshops

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