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Thoughts On Devotion

My experience of devotion means to use the intensity of one's emotions to transcend self imposed limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in a mediocre existence of ego. To me, devotion means to use the passion that lies within to create an inner environment that can access flow and awe within the immensity of it all. Regardless what is happening in life, we are able to come back to the being available to a bigger picture despite our challenges. It doesn’t mean we don’t have any. We all do. It just means that we condition ourselves through our practice in such a way that makes us available to more evolutionary action.

We raise our awareness through our practice so that we are conscious and stable enough to ride the turbulent waves of life in a more graceful and transcendent way. We simply stop fighting life, and start siphoning through its lessons to gain fuel to transform and release Karma and conditioning , and all that has not been serving us. We stop fighting so we can start living.

Within devotion one becomes astonished by existence, and with the deepest acknowledgment, a constant revelation of the immeasurable miracles that surround us begin to fill us, and take the place of our fears and loneliness. We start to conceptualize our infinity instead of finality. When we become the heart based witness we become profoundly non-violent in the way we exist within ourselves and also within our surroundings. We begin the recognize our timeless soul being, within time, and we are able to stop taking ourselves so seriously. We start to encapsulate a universal wisdom, a type of vision that is able to see beyond our pain and troubles, above our fears and out struggles. We start to realize what we are not.

Devotion becomes a deep state of active surrender. Active surrender does not mean giving up, it just means letting go of what we cannot change, and also the need to categorize each passing event and moment as good or bad. By creating some neutrality, we are able to show up more completely to the moments we can change. We are able to start managing our energy instead of forgetting we are energy. When we can create a neutral space within our minds we are able to diffuse the energy we put into the endless disfunction created by our minds. We are able to start experiencing the power of our energetic body and using it more mindfully, more meticulously.

Devotion is the most intense form of love, it is beyond the emotions. It is simple, pure, and uncomplicated, because there are no expectations and this love doesn’t weigh on a response, or an affirmation. Just like I can’t explain my existence, I can’t explain this love. It is beyond the capacity of words. Therefore, the emotion of devotion is sweet and authentic, and not dependant on our chronic expectations.

When your emotional state becomes non-violent, when we become open to fluctuations, the tight grip we hold on everything seems to lessen. The stress and the tension begins the lessen. There is a sweetness that becomes more available, a lightness, and with that, one is able to grow. We can’t grow if we are too full. To be devoted means to be willing to empty out, let go of all you think defines you in a place of mind. When you are willing to let go of ego self, you are able to see divine self.

Devotion is another dimension of intelligence. Intellect wants to conquer the truth, where devotion just embraces the truth. Devotion cannot totally understand, but devotion can experience, where intellect can decipher but can never experience. We start to become open to a higher, a inner and universal intelligence.

If you can recognize the magnitude of your existence you will naturally become a devoted. The cosmos is very vast, somewhat incomprehensible. We do not know where it begins or where it ends, it’s quite perplexing. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies. In this endless cosmos, this solar system is a tiny speck. In this tiny speck of a solar system we call the Milky-Way, our planet Earth is a micro speck. In this micro speck of a planet, the city we live in is a super micro speck.

Devotion allows us to see truth, to see the wonder of all we don’t understand, to the super micro micro micro speck of dust we call this body, this life. It is only within that bewilderment one to see the phenomena in all moments. You can no longer rely completely on the mind, but you naturally tap into something much more broad, much more universal.

When we become devoted, we are able to have a clearer perspective that reaches far beyond our identities. Intense devotion seems to bubble up a deep faith that gives us some comfort in the most trying moments, and the will to move through them. It’s a home within the heart that reconnects us at times we feel disconnected. We can come back here again and again, and no one is there to turn us away. The universe is within us, even when we feel separated from it. This moment of rekindling with the universe within is devotion.

When you can admit you don't know where it all begins or where it ends, and here you are a super micro micro micro speck of dust, spinning on a planet, not knowing where you come from or where you will go. It will be very natural for you to become devoted. You will metaphorically bow down to everything you see, overwhelmed with the deepest love and most sincere gratitude.

If you just look at yourself with reverence as part and this magnificent creation, the super micro micro spec of dust; when you can truly fathom it, there must exist a great humility.

If you can examine everything, a leaf, a flower, a bird, an animal, an insect, there is such intricacy. You will realize you cannot understand one thing in its entirety. It is all too tremendous, it is then, you succumb to the greatness of it all, because you realize your spec in time, your spec in nature; is just another spec. A spectacular spec in this infinite creation.

Hari Om


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