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Waxing and Waning...The Tides of Awakening

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

We set our intentions harnessing the fundamental life energies of the full moon, the flow of energy from the moon phase is here to propel whatever state we arrive in, purely, passionately. Whatever the quality that lies dormant in the individual will be forged into a deeper state of consciousness. Now is the time to harness and consciously align ourselves with the heartbeat of our true nature and ride the vibrations change.

Just as the tide rises more on the night of the full moon, the Prana will rise through the spine, your blood will also be pulled and the circulation of blood increases in your brain. When there is a natural pull like this, there is a tendency for the energy to go into a natural upsurge, a powerful upward movement to collaborate your devotion to rise, to ascend and to transcend.

So be love, harness this bounty and let the full moon sweep you into your fullest potential.

As Shakti Rises, we receive a glimpse of our soul selves, we begin to free ourselves from the identity that is created purely on the level of mind, conditioning and limited perception.

By consistently arriving and embodying the ancient techniques of Yoga, you, as a unique energetic manifestation of universal love, begin to align yourself with the higher self, the higher mind.

The higher mind, is that mind free of conditioning, free of isolated identity, a mind that can grasp its true nature in the timeless, boundless realm that remains even after the mind ceases to be.

As you begin to align yourself with your infinite nature, the limits we create for ourselves begin to wither, the stories that hold us hostage to our pasts begin to fade, all that we cling to lessens it’s reigns. In turn, clarity arises, the deepened breath frees us from our limited scope of life, and insurmountable luminosity begins to be available.

With a dedicated practice, we begin to feel lighter, more adaptable, more spontaneous. With this fluid like nature, a heightened state of existence arises through mere presence. The teachings steadily bring us back to the present moment so we can give fully, passionately and not remain absent to all the moments of our lives. Our practice holds us accountable for our words, our behaviour, our actions, reactions and our energy. It reminds us to ask ourselves how we want to show up to each new day, to each new experience, and how and what we wish to contribute to the collective whole.

As we raise our status, we begin to mend the brokenness and damage that has held us captive to our fleeting emotions and experiences that once defined us. We lessen our aggression as we realize our oneness and softly, quietly, we slip back into our true nature, one of unity, compassion, empowerment, and love. We begin to strengthen our entire presence as we embrace our inner warrior ready to launch ourselves out of the rabbit holes of our own compliance; freeing the heart from the shackles of the foolhardy mind.

The heart is far superior to the wandering mind...the higher mind knows this. The heart is always there whispering this vital message into our force field, but we only hear it when we are ready to listen from a place of willingness and openness. We can only embrace the wisdom, the deeper meaning of the teachings, when we are ready to look the truth in the eye.

Yoga is a practice of self empowerment, raising our status, and not shying away from the importance of our role on this planet, making us less susceptible to self sabotage, self isolation and judgements.

A being of radiant nature, realizes that love and compassion are an endless expression of self. Self is all, inclusive of all beings and of all experiences. Light cannot be contained, as love cannot be contained, as we are not meant to be contained.


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