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Reflection Groups


Meera has devoted deep study to the ancient philosophical texts of Yoga. She offers study groups for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita


The Gita is one of the world’s most read and ancient scriptures. It is the story of a conversation between a reluctant warrior, Arjuna, and his charioteer, Krishna. What is revealed in this conversation is a universal yet practical wisdom that can speak to us even now. It answers the questions Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? How do I live and act? It shows us how to convert our day-to-day life into a spiritual practice and a means of transformation.


The Gita Study Series present to the modern spiritual seeker, in a systematic fashion, the scientific and universal truths of the ancient wisdom of the Vedas and the Bhagavad Gita. These truths can be tested and verified just as science objectively tests the laws and mechanisms of the natural world by laboratory and field experiments. So too can the inner truths be tested in the laboratory of one’s own experience and in the field of one’s life.


The Bhagavad Gita is not a religion or a system of beliefs.  Study of the Gita enhances one’s existing religious or spiritual practice, it is not a substitute for these. Rather, it is something one can experience directly through one’s own life. This interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita provides us with this unique and relevant interpretation of the Gita. This interpretation is a practical spirituality; a spirituality that can be lived day-to-day in a modern world.


These groups usually include meditation, group discussion and reflection, along with setting intentions and becoming more mindful of our own lives as they relate to the greatest human teachings of all time.


This is a way to deepen your personal practice and alter your perception, while reminding you of the deepest and transformative nature of Yoga


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


And Now Yoga


This great work arose out of compassion as a service to all beings. 


Patanjali is known as the father of modern yoga. He did not invent yoga. Yoga was already there in various forms, which he assimilated into a system. Shiva, the Adi Yogi transmitted yoga to the seven sages many thousands of years ago. 


Patanjali came much later. He saw that it was getting too diversified and complex for anyone to understand in any meaningful way. So he assimilated and included all aspects into a certain format which is now known as the Yoga Sutras, one of the most potent scriptures of time for any soul on an evolutionary journey. 


Sutra literally means a thread. Or in modern language we can say it is like a formula.


“Out of ignorance, people have just taken these sutras and are trying to implement it as it is. A thread is of no consequence by itself. There can never be a garland without the thread but no one ever wears a garland for the sake of the thread. The thread was given so that each master makes his own kind of garland. You can put flowers on it, or beads or pearls or diamonds. The thread is vital but that is not a goal by itself.”


Yoga Sutras are an absolutely brilliant piece of work compared to any of the scriptures on the planet talking about life and beyond.


They are a tremendous document about life.


Patanjali does not teach any practice in them. He did this intentionally, instead gave a formula to open up life and human potential.


The sutra will mean something only to a person who is in a certain level of experience. Otherwise it is just a bundle of words which don't make any sense. Someone who is exploring his consciousness, if he is in a certain state of experience, if he just reads one sutra, it will be explosive. You are not required to read the whole book. If you read one sutra and make it true with your life, that’s enough. It will realize you.


Patanjali does not ask his reader to have any belief, the embodiment arises through interpretation, and adaptation into one’s life. The sutras are clue to guide us towards the deepest treasure within. 


Together we will dissect every Sutra, study this magnificent body of knowledge to encourage powerful presence, authentic and meaningful living. 


This Reflection Group is dedicated to Master Teacher Anandji. 

In addition two different translations of the yoga Sutras. 


This is That. By. Anand Mehrotra

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  By: Swami Satchidananda Saraswati

We come together every second Monday. Starting May 9th. 


Time 6:30pm to 9:00pm.


In person and on zoom. 


Investment. 25$

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